Matt Pietrek - Links To Web Pages of Other Authors
Chris Sells
- COM / .NET guru, and all-around funny guy
Paul DiLascia
- MSDN Magazine C++ Q&A Columnist
Jeffrey Richter
- MSDN Magazine .NET Columnist
John Robbins
- MSDN Magazine Bugslayer Columnist
Don Box
- MSDN Web Services columnist, coauthor of SOAP spec, etc...
Mark Russinovich
- Windows NT Magazine and
Andrew Schulman
- Who knows what he's up to this week?
David Solomon
- Author of
Inside Windows NT, 2nd & 3rd Edition
James Finnegan
- A really sick, twisted mind. Also, the tech editor for my Win95 book.
Walter Oney
- Low level coder extraordinaire, writes for MSDN Magazine
Russ Osterlund
- MSDN author, and author of some
great free tools
Sven B. Schreiber
- Author of "Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets"
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